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Introducing Yeshuwa As El Most High -  V [5 of 13]

Yeshuwa was crucified on Abib 15 (April 7, 30 CE), the Day of Preparation for Shabbat after eating the Passover with His students. He was never the Exodus Passover Lamb, but the festive or Chagigah Lamb instead, sacrificed on the fifteenth. He died and was buried before the sixteenth began.

Obsessed with monotheism, the author of Jubilees never had a clue and attributed the smiting of the Mitsriym (Egyptians) to the prince Mastema. Why would this Prince hurt the Mitsriym? He had empowered the sorcerers to mimic some of Mosheh’s plagues? So sometimes he works for them, sometimes against them.

Chap. XLVIII.  8. And the prince Mastema placed himself against thee (Moses], and endeavoured to throw thee into the hand of Pharaoh and aided the sorcerers of the Egyptians, and stood by them, and they performed them before thee : the evils, however, we permitted them to perform, but their remedies we did not suffer them to perform by their hands. 9. And the Lord struck them with a dire pox, and they were not able to withstand, for we destroyed them so that they could not do a single sign.

This sounds reasonable enough, even though the prince Mastema is never once mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures. It was invented during the inter-testamental period. The following is another example of his long-winded and non-factual writing.

Chap. XLVIII. 10. And amid all the signs and wonders, the prince Mastema was not ashamed, until he became powerful and cried to the Egyptians that they should pursue after thee [Moses] with all the power of the Egyptians, with their wagons and with their horses and with all the masses of the people of Egypt [???]. 11  And I stood between the Egyptians and thee [Moses], and between them and Israel, and I saved the Israelites out of their hands and out of the hands of the Egyptians. 12. And the Lord led them through the middle of the sea, as if it were dry land. 13. And all the people he caused to come out to pursue Israel, the Lord our God cast into the midst of the sea, into the depths of the abysses, instead of the children of Israel, because the people of Egypt had thrown their children by the hundreds into the river: vengeance was taken upon them and one thousand powerful men, and those that were strong, perished on account of one suckling babe which they had cast into the river from amongst thy people. 14. And on the fourteenth day, and on the fifteenth day, and on the sixteenth day, and on the seventeenth day, and on the eighteenth day, the prince Mastema was bound and chained behind the children of Israel, so that he could not accuse the children of Israel. 15. But on the nineteenth day we let him loose, so that he could help the Egyptians,, and that they could pursue the children of Israel ; and he made hard their hearts and strengthened them and he became powerful according to the Lord our God, so that he could smite the Egyptians and hurl them into the sea.

From the beginning of the Book of Jubilees it is the ‘Lord God’ who speaks to Moses. So this Lord God stood between the Egyptians and Israel with Moses behind him. Yet there is no mention of any angel by whatever name. Apparently the Lord God did all the saving. Here the prince Mastema was not very bright, since he encouraged the Mitsriym to pursue the Yisra’elites, which led to them being drowned. Of course, he was only helping them.

Where, too, was Moses standing in order to stretch out his arm over the sea? Still behind the Lord God or did he run towards the beach after being given his orders? Over a million Yisra’elites were waiting to be rescued between Them and the sea. A way through them had to be negotiated.

Whenever a fictional character replaces an original, then the story is bound to become confusing. Both Elyown and Yahuw’ah held them back. No prince Mastema was chained for five days, so as not to accuse the sons of Yisra’el. The accuser of Yahuw’ah’s people is also known as Satan.

Below is how the Mitsriym versus the Yisra’elites narrative plays out in Exodus 14. The latter are petrified at the sight of the advancing army.

“13. But Mosheh said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of Elyown [Yahuw’ah] which He will accomplish for you today; for the Mitsriym whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.”

14. “Elyown [Yahuw’ah] will fight for you while you keep silent.”

15. Then Elyown [Yahuw’ah] said to Mosheh, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Yisra’el to go forward.”

Elyown is ehyeh asher ehyeh, the One who makes happen that which He makes happen.

16. “And as for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Yisra’el shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land.”

17. “And as for Me, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Mitsriym so that they will go in after them; and I will be honoured through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and horsemen.”

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2015-20.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.