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Creating World Weather -  IV

Ascertaining the location of the third point in Yeruwshalem proved to be quite a challenge. It involved extending the triangle to the south and ensuring that all measurements for the northern and southern triangles were identical.

Observe how it is very close to Mount Tsiyon (Zion) with the Temple Mount to the east of the lines. No significance should be attached to this. Indeed the third point lies just outside the walls of ancient Yeruwshalem. The locations of Yeshuwa’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection also appear to lie outside the lines of the northern triangle. So does Beyth-Lechem (Bethlehem).

The matter of its significance was raised with Yeshuwa. This is an excerpt from Interview # 314 late on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Text in maroon reflects His replies. At the time the present writer was unfamiliar with IRVs.

"What about the presence of the Throne-Chariot above Your cross?" "Certainly use that." "And when You were born." "That too." "And in the Garden of Gethsemane, the angel. So in the centre is there a wormhole or something like that? Miryam was in the upper city when Yahuw'ah came to her." "We can come and go through the axis."

"Yet You ascended east of Mount Tabor. Wouldn't Mount Olivet be a better place?" "One might think so, but I ascended from the eastern side of Tabor. I do not need just one access point. I can come and go anywhere, as I did at Mount Ciynay."




El Elyown was also worshipped by Melkitsedeq and He assisted Abram and his 318-man fighting force to protect the king of Shalem, who dwelt in safety in the Jebusite fortress on Mount Moryah. It is therefore natural to see how He is in control of world weather and sends targeted storm systems to wherever He pleases.