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The Destroying Priest of Melkitsedeq -  II

Well, they could not have it both ways. This tension is played out in the Gospels of Matthew and John.

Yeshuwa was able to transform Himself back into El Elyown, the Lamb of Eluhiym with seven eyes and seven horns because in the tomb He re-activated His own latent soul DNA and suppressed that of His Father. The other Creator Eluhiym were also present to assist Him with this, according to the FIMIOL of the empty tomb.

This process already commenced on the cross when He cried out in Aramaic, “ήλι ήλι λεμά σαβαχθάνι” or “My El, My El, why have you abandoned Me?" It was a very sharp pain or anguish felt in His body, like when a child loses its mother and the cord is severed. Now was the time to leave off being the Son of El Shadday.

Is it not interesting how the Greek letters reflect the Aramaic “Eli, Eli, la’ma sabach-thanni”, yet the translation resorts to THEOS instead of El. “Θεέ μου θεέ μου ίνατί με έγκατέλιπες;” Pardon me, your slip is showing. Clearly there is another agenda at work here.

Yet Yahuw’ah’'s DNA still remained in His soul and continues to do so. He now carries both. In fact, His incarnation changed Him forever. The nailing on the cross changed Him, since He still bears the scars in His hands, feet and side.

This helps explain why Thomas Didymus drew attention to it with his scientific mind. He was no ordinary doubting Thomas, just a drama queen. He wanted it on record that Yeshuwa the Lamb still carried remnants of His life as Yeshuwa haMashiach or the Anointed.

Without this understanding one will struggle to comprehend the roles being played out in the Gospels and beyond in the Book of Revelation. The apostle Paul and Luke are of absolutely no use here.

If another human being possessed such a complex soul, he or she would face dilemmas like Yeshuwa too. Since it is in the soul, then it is going to manifest in one's life and be quite compelling at that.

Observe how the demon-possessed people behaved. They were in effect dual personalities with the demon taking control, causing them to say and do outrageous things. This is how Yeshuwa was perceived by His enemies and family.

Once cast out an individual was restored to his or her right mind. Evidence of this abounds in the Gospels, e.g. in Mark 5:15. The reason for such widespread demon-possession in the first place is that Satan or OM had released them into the region to take over weak minds and challenge Yeshuwa's authority.

Of course, Yeshuwa always wins. He is El Elyown, the Judge of all men and the Rider on the White Horse with the flaming sword proceeding from His mouth. He is also the Priest forever according to the order of Melkitsedeq.

Mark and Luke deliberately changed Son of Eluhiym or El Shadday in Matthew 8:29 to Son of El Most High in Mark 5:7 and Luke 8:28. Again, there is a deliberate agenda at work here. And it is as evil as it looks.

Once He had returned from Heaven after being transported there in an IRV by the devil OM or Satan (Matthew 4 and Luke 4), He knew precisely who He was. It had been explained to Him. Now He had difficulty restraining Himself and this got Him into a lot of trouble with His mother and brothers who did not know about El Elyown and therefore did not believe in Him any more.

Likewise the community of the scrolls in Galilee, from which He and the Twelve were later banned and He had to leave the Messiah's residence in Capernaum with no place to lay His head (Matthew 8:20). In this His mother Miryam played a decisive role.

Hebrews 7

There are a lot of rambling opinions within the epistle to the Hebrews, especially the comments on Melkitsedeq throughout chapter seven, starting with the last two verses of chapter 6.

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both firm and permanent and (already) entered within the veil, where as a forerunner on our behalf Jesus has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melkitsedeq” (6:19-20).

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2017.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.