Binary clusters and prime numbers leave powerful signatures.



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The Power Of Circumcision -  II

Truer words were never said in jest. Both men and women make decisions from their groins and genitalia. In the soul this is where the respective computers function. Removing the foreskin is therefore a logical step towards clearer thinking.

By using techniques of meditation and visualisation based on imagination, a male can learn to brighten his light. However, this is dangerous, since it invariably affects his masculinity as he loses interest in marriage. OM and His two companions encourage it, though. The brighter the better, since they can add extra light to the Dark Pit and Lake of Fire. Females can also dim their lights in a similar way by imagining that they are males.

It is fascinating to be given a peek into the Lake of Fire through the Temple of Eluhiym’s Vision window. Buildings created by the imagination are visible on higher ground. In the darkness most are difficult to see. Yet occasionally one sees a brighter structure. Peeking inside, an individual can be seen lit up like a lamp.

During their lifetime he or she learned how to meditate and visualise the great light which causes them to shine and be called saints and sons of Θεός (Galatians 3:26-27, Ephesians 5:14). However, that was a deceptive light. Nonetheless, if one is not going to Glory, then it is a useful skill to have in the other place.

Back on Earth men and boys tend to rely instead upon muscular strength along with strength of character. This is chiefly what makes them attractive to females, in addition to having a good sense of humour. Boys usually bond with their mothers and girls their fathers during childhood and adolescence. Only later is the bond with their same sex parent forged.

True Marriage

Like the opposite poles of magnets, binary 1s and 0s also attract and bind. Marriage has such an attraction and bond. Like splitting the atom, breaking up a marriage results in an explosion of energies. For good reason Yeshuwa issued the command not to destroy or break it asunder. ”What Yahuw’ah has yoked together, let no man separate” (Matthew 19:6).

Of course, He was only addressing the circumcised. The Ten Commandments were not given to intact men and therefore do not apply. He has little interest in disobedient people, whom He says “practise lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23).

Harmonious binary unions make procreation and raising a family possible. However, some believe in the equality of marriages and advocate same-sex unions. This is only paper talk and playing with definitions. Two 1s or two 0s can never constitute a marriage union, despite imagining that they can. Neither can procreate life, just release sexual tension in the name of love.

God as OM and His companions is all in favour of it, while Yahuw’ah and Yeshuwa oppose it. They insist upon clear boundaries, while OM is all for blurring them, including time and space and moral boundaries as well.

Intact boys and men are automatically tied to OM and His two companions. So are mothers and girls not of the circumcision. Being intact is the original sin which separates a human being from his or her Creator Yahuw’ah.

Nonetheless Their spells can be broken by standing outside Their proverbial box. Here circumcision can be the kindest cut of all, breaking those chains which bind one to Them. A whole new life of clear thinking awaits those brave enough to swim against the tide, for Yeshuwa said, “You will know the Truth and the Truth will free you” (John 8:31-32). An intact man can never be free, since he is locked into the original sin of lawlessness.

Non-Violence After Circumcision

It is not widely known that after Abraham and his whole household were circumcised, this group of men previously trained in the art of war (Genesis 14:14) desisted from any further fighting. Considering El Elyown sided with Abram and his men in battle this is quite a turnaround. Now they had no need for it. Yahuw’ah was looking after them and nobody takes on the Creator of Man and wins. To be a true son of Abraham one renounces all violence against men.

This was further demonstrated by his and Sarah’s son Yitschaq. He lived for 180 years and never once took up the sword. While his neighbours bullied him and his servants (Genesis 26:12-22), they simply moved on to other wells and, as before, were richly blessed.

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2015-6.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.