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In the above FIMIOL there are clearly two Els, automatically voiding any belief in monotheism. El Elyown is about to destroy many of those who worshipped the Golden Calf, explaining the sword coming out of His mouth and fulfilled in Exodus 32:25-
"Much of my time was spent thinking about You as El Elyown. Since You are the Judge of all the Earth, Adoniy, am I correct in saying that You destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?" "You are correct, Wayne."
"So did You visit Abram in Genesis 18 or was it Yahuw'ah?" "It was Me, Wayne. Otherwise I did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah." "What was in the original text?" “El Elyown, Wayne, not Yahuw'ah." "So what role did Yahuw'ah play, Adoniy?" "He closed and opened Sarah's womb."
"It is confusing to see Yahuw'ah's name everywhere in the modern Hebrew text and translations. May I go through the narrative to identify who is speaking to Abram/Abraham?"
"At the end of Genesis 11 it is Me whom Terach and Abram are worshipping. I had sought them out.
"In chapter 12 I speak to Abram and promised to give him the land. Remember, Yahuw'ah's name was unknown to Abram. I struck pharaoh and his house with great plagues.
"In chapter 13 Yahuw'ah blesses Abram richly. He is the One sinned against by the residents of Sodom in verse 13.
"In Genesis 14 it is Me leading Abram into battle.
"In the next chapter (15) it is Yahuw'ah who makes a covenant with Abraham. He is in charge of human life. He creates and sustains it. My purpose is to save and judge it. We interplay with those whom We love.
"In Genesis 16 I am the Angel of Yahuw'ah who looks after Hagar.”
"Who is Eluhiym in Genesis 17?" "That is Yahuw'ah. He made the circumcision covenant with Abraham. I made Mine with indigenous Australians.
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© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -
*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay -
Abraham Was No Monotheist -
While surfing the Internet a fourth incident highlighted Abraham as the father of three monotheistic religions. And this is when the alarm bells started ringing. He asked himself, were Abraham, Yitschaq and Ya’aqob, Mosheh and Aharon, or any of the other patriarchs going back to Adam monotheists? This is quite a disturbing, yet legitimate question.
Finally, why do the Sadducees not believe in the existence of angels (Acts 23:8) and say there is no spirit or resurrection. Yet in their scriptures of only the Five Books of Mosheh the “Angel of Yahuw’ah” is mentioned over twenty times, in addition to Angel of Eluhiym. Might this be a substitute for another name and they know who He is, yet refuse to accept that it is Yeshuwa?
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El Shadday
El Elyown