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It was an article in the IVF’s The New Bible Dictionary which the present writer found most disturbing. For those without access to this work of scholarship the following passage is an extract from its article on the Canon Of the New Testament by J. N. Birdsall, p. 196.
“It was towards the close of the 2nd century that awareness of the concept of a canon and scriptural status begins to reveal itself in the thought and activity of Christians. The challenge of heretical teachers, and especially the work of Marcion of Sinopé, who broke with the Church in Rome about AD 150, but was probably active in Asia Minor for some years previously, was largely instrumental in stimulating this. Misinterpreter of Paul, Marcion preached a doctrine of two Gods: the Old Testament was the work of the Just God, the Creator, harsh judge of men: Jesus was the emissary of the Good (or Kind) God, higher than the Just, sent to free men from that God’s bondage: crucified through the malice of the Just God, He passed on His gospel, first to the Twelve, who failed to keep it from corruption, and then to Paul, the sole preacher of it. Since Marcion rejected the Old Testament, according to this scheme, he felt the need of a distinctively Christine Scripture, and created a definite Canon of Scripture: one Gospel, which stood in some relation or other to our present Luke, and the ten epistles of Paul (omitted Hebrews and the Pastorals), which constituted the Apostolos. The rapid growth of the major part of the New Testament Canon, which supervenes upon the age of Justin and Tatian, is directly due to the challenge of Marcion to the Church after his final breach with it.
“ … thirdly, and more universally observable, in the overwhelming place occupied by Paul in the Catholic Canon, in spite of his relative neglect in the mid-
Paul did think himself superior to the Twelve. Upon examination of his definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13 and finding that it was opposite to that expressed in the Law and the Prophets (e.g. the “jealous” Eluhiym who insists upon His own way, etc), the present writer soon reached the conclusion that Paul’s Ίησοΰς and θεός bore no resemblance to Yeshuwa and Yahuw’ah. He had re-
The attraction of Marcion to Paul was that the apostle was indeed the father of Christian Gnosticism, like he was the father of Docetism and Arianism. Many of the heresies rejected by the Church ironically have their foundations in his writings.
In addition to this, his attitude towards the Law and the Prophets reveals, apart from his cherry-
One notable example is the use of Psalm 68:18 in Ephesians 4:7-
Psalm 68:8 says that the earth quaked and the heavens dropped rain at the presence of Eluhiym. With the cloud and pillar of fire featuring Their presence, rain naturally fell on the hills and surrounding countryside. At Rephidiym Mosheh had to strike the rock (Exodus 17:6) because the approach to it was downhill all the way. There was nowhere to catch it. Yet around the rock the water pooled and quenched the thirsts of a million plus people and their livestock.
Furthermore, not only does El Most High, the Lamb with the double-
Foolish and stupid it was to develop monotheism, then silence the name of Yahuw’ah, but even more so to fail to see the gnostic Marcion’s attraction to Paul, who then becomes the hero of Christianity.
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Website Author: Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*
© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -
*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-