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Only Forty Million Souls In Glory -
Sexual Issues
The language used by Yeshuwa in the canonical Gospel of Matthew dealing with sexual issues is very strong and would account for large numbers of souls missing out on eternal life. Even the sholechiym sometimes had difficulty accepting them (Matthew 19:10). He said that “it is better for you that one of your members perish but not all of your body be cast into Gehenna” (5:27-
Here the plucking out of an eye or cutting off a right hand is not meant to be taken literally, unless one possesses the power to heal oneself instantly. Rather it is to highlight the gravity of wandering eyes.
Husbands are warned here in Matthew. Back in Genesis 3: 16 a similar warning was given to Chav-
Both were created equal. Each spouse is entitled to put his or her case. Yet he leaves his mother and father to cleave to her (Genesis 2:29). So where she is capable of intuitively making make good leadership decisions, then her choices are the ones to follow. The present writer selected the south to reside in, while his wife later chose the house to relocate to and purchase. It was a great leadership effort on her part and neither has regretted it.
Just beware of emotional enticements. Adam had been ordered not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil before she was created (Genesis 2:17). He should have resisted the temptation and has only himself to blame for the results, not Chav-
When one studies the narratives involving Abram/Abraham it also becomes clear that he was very submissive to his wife Sarai/Sarah. Interesting, too, is after his circumcision he renounced all violence, whereas before he was a warlord supported by El Most High.
The circumcision covenant was primarily designed to lead man away from such behaviour. “For those who take up a sword will perish by a sword.” So warned Yeshuwa, who understood this all too well, after Shimon Kephar cut of the ear of Malchus (Matthew 26:52). A sword is any weapon which fatally injures another, including bombs and missiles.
So unless one abandons certain sexual behaviours and seeks Yahuw’ah, then adultery, sleeping around (fornication), prostitution, paedophilia and homosexuality are automatic tickets to the Dark Pits and Lake of Fire.
Theories And Beliefs Based Upon Rationalism
Those who deny the existence of a Creator or Creators, as well as Creation itself, appear to be in big trouble too.
Secular theories based upon some innate form of intelligence in nature permitting species to evolve over a long period of time is just another form of external intelligence with Creator-
Then there are those lost souls whose life on earth is cut short without being given a chance to experience it. They miss out on Glory, too, if that is the mother’s destiny.
Humanity as a species is not very bright. It thinks it is clever and, like the builders of the Tower of Babel, believes that nothing is impossible for it to achieve (Genesis 11:6). Factors, however, exist outside of its control, despite its great achievements -
Once IRVs are factored into the Tower of Babel narrative, then one can understand the purpose and size of the tower. It was designed to be a raised landing platform for El Shadday, El Elyown and others to settle on whenever they arrived. When They descended the steps, the people would then bow down to them. Effectively they were trying to control Them, which is a no-
About forty million souls only in Glory? That figure is not so fanciful after all. Perhaps it is time to do something positive and seek out Yahuw’ah, who, incidentally, is very forgiving. Why not get in touch with Yeshuwa. He can help.
FIMIOL Photographics: ABN 35 425 367 583
Website Author: Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*
© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -
*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-