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Chronological Dates Of Composition In The NT Canon -
Yeshuwa appears to Sha’uwl of Tarsus outside Damascus on Monday, August 18, 32 Jc during '6/7' (Trueday:-
Ya’aqob the Lord’s Brother James starts writing his Epistle of James on Friday, March 5, 34 Jc during ‘15/16’ (Trueday:-
Paul has a near death experience (NDE) on Saturday, October 26, 43 Jc during ‘14/15’ (Trueday:-
Sha’uwl (Saul) of Tarsus began dictating his Epistle to the Galatians on Thursday, November 3, 46 Jc during '4/5' (Trueday:-
Composition of the Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) was commenced in September of 47 CE during the severe drought which hit Palestine in 46 and lasted at least three years. It was written by a faction of the church in Yeruwshalem under Ya’aqob, younger brother of Yeshuwa and a former Overseer of the Camps of the Many and still its Teacher of Righteousness. The apostle Paul adopted many of its tenets.
The Apostolic Council in Acts 15 started on Wednesday, November 15, 47 Jc during '10/11'. (Trueday:-
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians was commenced on Sunday, March 18, 53 Jc during '24/1' (Trueday:-
His Second Epistle to the Thessalonians was begun on Sunday, November 4, 53 Jc during '9/10' (Trueday:-
Paul’s Epistle to the Romans was started on Monday, August 18, 55 Jc during '6/7' (Trueday:-
Paul began writing First Corinthians on Thursday morning, July 22, 56 Jc during '7/8’ (Trueday:-
Paul began writing Second Corinthians on Saturday morning, June 4, 57 Jc during '4/5' (Trueday:-
Paul wrote his First Epistle to Timothy on Wednesday-
The Gospel according to John Mark was commenced in Rome on Friday, October 5, 59 Jc during '6/7' (Trueday:-
The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians was begun late in the day on Friday, June 13, 60 Jc during '18/19' (Trueday:-
The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians was commenced on Friday, July 18, 60 Jc during '23/24' (Trueday:-
Writing of the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians began two days later on Sunday, July 20, 60 Jc during '23/24' also (Trueday:-
The Epistle of Paul to Philemon was written on Monday, July 28th, 60 Jc during '24/1' (Trueday:-
The Epistle to the Hebrews was dictated by Paul to Theodorus starting on Thursday, March 11, 62 Jc during '13/14' (Trueday:-
Luke commenced writing canonical Luke on Monday, December 27th, 62 Jc during '6/7' (Trueday:-
Luke commenced writing the Book of Acts on Tuesday, January 18, 63 Jc during '9/10' (Trueday:-
Ya'aqob (James), Yeshuwa’s brother, suffered martyrdom on Wednesday, September 14, 63 Jc during '20/21' (Trueday:-
Paul began writing his Epistle to Titus on Sunday, November 12, 63 Jc during '4/5' (Trueday:-
Paul started writing his Second Epistle to Timothy on Thursday morning, January 5, 64 Jc during '12/13' (Trueday: Third Day) after his fourth missionary journey.
FIMIOL Photographics: ABN 35 425 367 583
Website Author: Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*
© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -
*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-